
Some topics need more space.

  • My personal workflow for QMK

    Let’s be honest, git can be intimidating. While it’s true that git is an extremely powerful tool, most users can get by with only using a handful of subcommands. I recommend the book Pro Git for everyone really interesed in git. So, let’s see how I usually handle my QMK stuff, while keeping them up-to-date, too. Note Every command need to be executed from your qmk_firmware directory! Setting things up This part you only need to do once.

  • Planck Through Hole Kit Build log

    The Planck Through Hole Kit The Planck Through Hole Kit (THK) was announced by Jack Humbert on the /r/olkb subreddit on 2018.10.01. The hardware was released under GPLv3 with the intention to be accessible to everyone. The original QMK pull request never got merged and documentation/information about the board is scarce. As QMK is a pretty fast-moving project, the original code for the keyboard did not build with new QMK.

  • Testing Pull Requests

    Why? Let’s face it, testing new features, bug fixes, etc is time consuming. But you can help. While it’s true that ultimately the Collaborators decide on things, any feedback is greatly appreciated and can help the whole project move forward. Knowing how to test PRs also allows you to use the stuff in them even before they get merged. How? It’s actually quite easy, but assuming you are familiar with git and how its branching works at the basic level.

  • Contributing

    This is a pretty basic and easy to understand workflow to work on keyboards, keymaps, features or anything in general that you intend to get merged. For things that’s for your personal use only, check out my general workflow. One of the best things about git is it’s branching. It’s fast and allows us to experiment without risking our code. First things first, read the official QMK Contributor guidelines in its entirety.